Soul Winners
A Tribute to Hellfighter Richard Headrick, Founder
by California Mike, National President
The day mine and Richard’s paths crossed was life-changing for me and my family. When we joined Hellfighters, I never dreamed that it would affect our lives the way it has.
I had never met a man like Richard—the way he always smiled was something that I wasn’t used to. Where I came from, people didn’t smile much. Richard made me and my family feel special, and he never stopped making us feel special. However, he didn’t just make you feel special, you really were special to Richard. As he and Gina traveled the world over, he never met a stranger. No one knows the population of Heaven, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Richard Headrick will not stop until he has given everyone there a hug!

Richard loved the Word of God, explained it in a way that even I could understand and walked it out in everything he did. He worked hard, and loved harder. He had a great passion for the underdog, the “downtrodden,” as he would say. Richard helped me to love others as Jesus does and taught me to never give up on people, no matter what. He looked for and saw the good in everyone and showed me that people are far more valuable than money. He proved to everyone around him that if you have the patience, LOVE will work. Out of everything Richard taught me over the last 11 years, the greatest was how to love, and that it doesn’t matter how it looks to others.
Richard was a great Brother, friend, husband, visionary, mentor and boss. But, above all of those things, he was a Great Man of God. I honestly believe that I have stood with the worst men possible. But now, I have also stood with the greatest, by the Grace of God.
I am going to miss you, Richard.